Nath the Gilt-Leaf : Commander

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello, I'm kinda new to MTG and I was trying to build a Nath deck, mostly using card I already own or that are budget.\nCurrent decklist: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\nI am looking for suggestions, mostly to know which cards are quite bad in the main and therefore what to switch them for.\nThanks!\n"}]}
John_Sherwood avatarJohn_Sherwood 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Welcome to the game, and the game's best constructed format. First bit of advice, make sure you are honest with other players in the pre-game talk before you play a dedicated discard deck. Discard slows games down and can even lock other people out of participating in the game. Commander is a social format, with a community culture that embraces self-expression and walks a line between allowing other players the space for their deckto do its thing at the same time you are trying to win. A good play group will try to curate an environment with space for your discard deck, but it's not a strategy that will make friends if you try to spring it on people. You can show respect for other people and their time by being honest about your deck.\n\nRather than giving you a list of cards I would cut, I'm going to recommend a basic approach to evaluating cards yourself. Ask yourself a few questions about each card in your deck.\n1. Does this card advance my game plan? (Such as by producing mana, drawing cards or supporting a win condition.)\n2. Does this card solve a problem? (Removal and protection effects usually fit here)\n3. Does this card make me grin?\nIf you can answer yes to one or more of these questions, then the card is playable. This approach to card evaluation isn't perfect; it's just a good place to start. Here's some examples:\n\n"},{"insert":{"card-link":"Wurm's Tooth"}},{"insert":" (in my opinion) doesn't advance your game plan or solve a problem. So you should only play it if it makes you grin.\n\n"},{"insert":{"card-link":"Sadistic Hypnotist"}},{"insert":" advances your game plan because it combos with your commander.\n\n"},{"insert":{"card-link":"Krosan Grip"}},{"insert":" solves a problem.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Wow, thanks a lot! I still have a little trouble with understanding how many specific \"hate cards\" on some specific mechanics I may face I should put in the deck and how am I supposed to manage my hps in black, but I think a few practice matches will help me a lot. Thanks for the answer anyway!\n"}]}