Average CMC counts double faced lands

{"ops":[{"insert":"The average CMC is including the flip lands in the calculations, such as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged Sanctuary"}},{"insert":". This is probably the intended behaviour, but could we get an option to either mark them as lands or somehow not having them count towards the average cmc? At least for me, I usually always count them as lands, so it's inflating the average. But if I give them a custom cmc of 0, it'll have the opposite effect and deflate the average. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yeah, so you've correctly identified that this is intentional. Unfortunately, our card data table doesn't include columns for differentiating the front and back halves of a card so we're unlikely to implement that choice as an option. It'd make things a bit hairier on our end for a frankly somewhat narrow use-case. Setting a custom mv is probably the best solution, but I understand why that has sorta the opposite problem with deflating your average. \n\nI apologize for not having a better answer for you. We'll mull this over and see if we can come up with a satisfying solution, but I'm not horribly optimistic. I appreciate you reaching out with the suggestion regardless! \n"}]}