Deckbuilding Contest - August 2023

Jeremy avatarJeremy 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello brewers,"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nMagic has a long and storied history of exotic and compelling deck names. From “"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Fruity Pebbles"},{"insert":"” back in ‘99 to the more recent “"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Blue Farm"},{"insert":"” in cEDH, entire archetypes have even been known to show some zest. \n\nThat said, some recent social media discourse has asserted that the game has slowly shifted away from fun names and toward more boring (if descriptive) titles like “Esper Control” or “4c Ramp”. We have zero interest in weighing in on that in any serious capacity, but it is a good reminder of how fun decks can be when brewers put their mind to it. A personal favorite is “"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Who’s that Pokémon? It’s 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖂𝖚𝖗𝖒"},{"insert":"” for a "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Worldspine Wurm"}},{"insert":" polymorph deck that ended up as a finalist for our hidden commander contest a year or so ago. Absolutely delightful.\n\nPoint is, deck names are a sometimes underappreciated meta aspect to the game that add a bit of fun and intrigue when you’re linked a list to check out. For this month’s Card Kingdom sponsored deckbuilding contest, we’re giving deck names their due! \n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"What’s the contest all about?"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Working within the parameters of the prompt provided below, construct a decklist with your own creative spin. Three chosen finalists will be awarded store credit to \n\n"},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"For August’s deckbuilding contest, construct a Commander-legal deck with a compelling name. The name can be silly, serious, or something in between. Either way, it should be appropriate for your deck in particular and enticing to other players. Extra consideration will be given to submissions with both good deck names and interesting/unique lists!  "},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Here’s how to participate:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Brew an EDH/Commander legal deck on Archidekt that satisfies the prompt.\nAny unreleased cards spoiled during the contest’s duration "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"are"},{"insert":" allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Silver-bordered and acorn cards, while cool, are "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"not"},{"insert":" allowed. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Digital-only cards (such as those designed for the Alchemy format on Arena) are "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"not"},{"insert":" allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Strictly one deck submitted per user."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Reply to this newspost, "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"the Discord submission post"},{"insert":", or "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"the announcement tweet"},{"insert":" from the "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"@archidekt"},{"insert":" account on Twitter with a link to your deck before "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"9:00 pm EDT (UTC -4, currently) on Friday, August 25, 2023"},{"insert":". Only one submission per user!\nFrom the eligible submissions, we'll select three finalists with lists that we believe best embody the spirit of the prompt. "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Deck descriptions are not required but certainly may provide valuable context!"},{"insert":"\n\nOn "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Saturday, August 26, 2023"},{"insert":", we’ll add a new Discord post for the community to vote on its favorite of the three selected finalists' lists. Each finalist will be awarded store credit to The value of the credit is in US dollars and depends on the finalist's placement in the community poll at the end of its two day duration:\n1st Place Prize - $50"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2nd Place Prize - $30"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"3rd Place Prize - $20"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Finalists will be contacted via email, Discord or Twitter/X (depending on where they submitted) regarding their winnings following the conclusion of the poll by Tuesday, August 29, 2023. Please note, you must have a Card Kingdom account in order to receive your winnings. It's quick and free-- "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"register here"},{"insert":" if you don't have an account already!\n\nAs of this summer, we also now apply a “Contest Winner” role to all finalists, giving them a little trophy icon next to their username on deck tiles (the links that appear on places like the homepage). Prior contest winners have already had this role applied. \n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"An important note:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Unfortunately, due to wild variance in contest laws, eligibility is limited to residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec). We’d love to allow all of our users to participate, but ensuring we are legally compliant with each country’s national laws is too great a barrier. For additional information regarding eligibility, check our "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"official contest rules"},{"insert":". \n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Thank you!"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"This is the first month we’re accepting submissions on "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Discord"},{"insert":" and using it for voting instead of Twitter. Please bear with us as we feel out this new procedure!  \n\nIf you have any other questions, feel free to ask here, reach out on "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Twitter"},{"insert":", or join our "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"public Discord server"},{"insert":". We look forward to seeing what you all come up with! \n\nThe Archidekt Team"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\n-\n\n8/26/23: Our finalists have been selected!"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n\n"},{"insert":"Bad Nauseum:"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"color":"#1d9bf0"},"insert":""},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n\n"},{"insert":"Dungeons Speedrun any%, no infinites:"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"color":"#1d9bf0"},"insert":""},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n\n"},{"insert":"The Right to Arm Bears:"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"color":"#1d9bf0"},"insert":""},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n\n\n"},{"insert":"Please "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"join us in Discord"},{"insert":" for voting on final placement and discussion!"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 8/26/2023, 6:27:45 PM
Boondockjedi avatarBoondockjedi 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Multiverse: Saruman, the Lord of the Rings\n\n\nThe Idea was to give the Lord of the Rings set a \"What if\". What if the multiverses collided and Nicol Bolas Warped the timeline as it was written. Helping Saruman find the One Ring and Rule all of middle earth unopposed. He warps Gandalf's mind with the ring, Controls Sauron Himself. With his Orc armies he is unstoppable.\n"}]}
plasmacuno avatarplasmacuno 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"After a wait far too long in the making, I present to you: The revival you've all been waiting for: The reunion of not just the decade, not just the century, not just the millennium, but of all Magic history: The return at last of Magic's greatest one-hit-wonder: Banding!!!\n\nThat's right, last seen in 2008 (well, outside of The List, anyways), this accursed Mechanic finally makes its debut into Magic's most popular format. Why, you ask? Because… Honestly because I want to curse my friends with having to play against this disaster of a mechanic.\n\nAnd no, this isn't just a thrown together pile of all the cards with banding ever printed! This is an honest to goodness Azorius EDH deck built to maximize the potential of Banding, helmed by the only commander graced with the keyword. We're going to force our opponents to attack and block creatures like Phyrexian Vindicator, Body of Knowledge, and Stuffy Doll, using our ability to assign our opponents' combat damage to keep our creatures always in the safe zone. Ultimately we'll win either with damage from cards like Phyrexian Vindicator, Elesh Norn, or Stuffy Doll or by making repeated attacks with mill creatures like Fleet Swallower or Teresian Mindbreaker, protected from scary blockers.\n\nThat's right, baby. We're "},{"attributes":{"italic":true,"link":""},"insert":"Bringing the Band Back Together."},{"insert":" Buy your tickets now!\n\n"}]}
BaronToast avatarBaronToast 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Outside NA so can't enter. But i'm working on a Xyris deck called Noodle Doodle. Snakes (noodles), and Drawing (doodle).\nGood luck everyone who enters.\n"}]}
RomeoBlue avatarRomeoBlue 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"For my submission, I'll offer up \"Myriad Possibilities\"\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nThis deck uses powerful myriad creatures such as Battle Angels of Tyr, Herald of the Host, Broodbirth Viper and more, in conjunction with all sorts of ways to end the turn, phase out myriad copies, exile the stack, etc. to hold on to myriad copies (which themselves have myriad) and build up an exponentially-increasing board of myriad creatures. Helmed by \"Raffine, Scheming Seer\", the creatures connive and enable all sorts of fun and interesting strategies and approaches to keep games feeling fresh.\n\n\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm gonna go with this one!\n\n\n"}]}
PrincessSarah avatarPrincessSarah 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"We all know the card path to exile. So, without further ado, i give you: PATH FROM EXILE!\n\n\n\nExile recursion with prosper\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Gotta drop in my Guy Prossheri's Diners, Drive bys, and Dives. Main win con is Prossh/Food Chain combo.\n\n"}]}
DoubleOne avatarDoubleOne 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Sweet and simple, I'm putting up my Araumi deck that puts cards into the grave and then pulls them out.\nThis deck is all about Finding Nemo, with the nickname \"Ebb and Flow\".\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Ebb and Flow • (Commander / EDH deck) • Archidekt"},{"insert":"\n"}]}
TevishSzat avatarTevishSzat 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"\n\n\"Accumulating Enigmas of the Ancients\" -- a deck that's sure to make your opponents ask \"What the hell?\" as you gleefully play another creature with Cumulative Upkeep, and then use mitigating that upkeep to T-pose on the board and beat down the table with an "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Aboroth"}},{"insert":" that literally can't die because you brought "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Necromancy"}},{"insert":" to this party. Oh, and every card in the 99 is pre-8th. Power creep? Never heard of it! Players are advised to maintain graveyard order and brush up on how banding works, because this is going to be a wild ride.\n"}]}
Equivocat avatarEquivocat 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"\"Oh, is that a "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nekusar, the Mindrazer"}},{"insert":", across the table I see? Yawn, I'll get a few cards off him and kill him before the wheels.\"\n\nNo, no, no, dear opponent. We do not pray at the altar of spinning wheels. We at this congregation subscribe to the mantra of the prisons. Here at the "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Nekusar Correctional Facility"},{"insert":", the namesake warden will place you in your cell. While you watch him. Slowly. Tick. You. Down.\n\nBut of course, it would be rather unseemly to imprison you and not feed you. So you can have your cards. But you will choke on them. Because you will not be doing much useful with them.\n\nSo come through the "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Portcullis"}},{"insert":" , take a seat at the "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Arena of the Ancients"}},{"insert":", or better yet, join Nekusar himself at the "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Court of Ambition"}},{"insert":". The warden will visit you in the night, and he doesn't kiss nice.\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 8/19/2023, 2:14:22 AM
Pfhish avatarPfhish 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"This is a concept deck based around Codie with the Lieutenants Jodah (Archmage) and Magus of the Strings for support. Codie all spells so the few permanents that are in there copy spells or help untap Codie. And it's pretty budget! I present:\n\"Look Mah, No Permanents!\"\n \n"}]}
Edvinovich avatarEdvinovich 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Trying to make a title that's descriptive of the deck and somewhat \"punny\" at the same time. \n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"02 - Rionya, a blaze of many triggers • (Commander / EDH deck) • Archidekt"},{"insert":"\n\nP.S: not eligible for the contest, just wanted to share anyways\n"}]}
cessiekat avatarcessiekat 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm submitting my decklist for Ayula, Queen Among Bears. I named it after the movie "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Cocaine Bear"},{"insert":", since she loves to make giant, powerful bears that go crazy and fight all my opponents creatures. \n"}]}
SirDarmek avatarSirDarmek 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"So all of my decks are named after songs. I try to pick them based on aspects of the deck. Heres my list for a Kogla, the titan ape deck thats themed around king kong. I went with the song Tyrants of the Terrestrial Exodus by Allegaeon due to the \"tyrants\" of skull island being all the big monsters/dinosaurs and kong himself and the exodus being kong being taken from skull island.\n"}]}
Edited 8/19/2023, 2:55:35 AM
Boricrook avatarBoricrook 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I usually try to come up with a somewhat unique title for my decks just to help give a bit of personality to them. I actually had this one's title for a long while, but lost interest in the amount of time I was going to have to put into Scryfall. This contest gave enough incentive to actually finish it. Title refers to cereal and buffing the Dane himself directly via counters and indirectly via strong abilities. Here's Changin' Dane's Whole Gains. \n\n\n"}]}
Edited 8/20/2023, 12:47:19 AM