DS9 deck opinions

Chaos13 avatarChaos13 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"So ever since "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Daretti, Scrap Savant"}},{"insert":" came out it struck me as a perfect card to build a Quark based ds9 deck, as kinda a set up to this deck its based around the Ferengi ideals of trading goods, making deals, gambling, and the peripheral startrek themes, for example cards like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Warrior's Oath"}},{"insert":" would represent you hiring a Klingon mercenary band or some such, Ferengi are represented by goblins. in general the concept of the deck is to step on other Ferengi (i.e. sacing goblins) to get ahead. So here's where the deck runs into trouble I would like it to be viable strong and fun (I know a tall order from a themed deck, but I am willing to make minor theme concessions) I always try to brew my deck up in entirety before buying them and I just dont have the feeling I get when completing a new deck, the deck is missing something and ive been kicking it around on the back burner so I thought I'd ask the community so I can finally bring this deck to life so without further ado here's my deck https://archidekt.com/decks/776620#Quarks_bar,_grill_and_Holosuite_arcade\n"}]}
Edited 12/30/2020, 2:47:21 AM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hard to call, I mean, Daretti usually calls for a lot of artifact building, and recursion.\n\nSo the question now is, is the deck built around Combat and Aggro? Or Politics and Attrition? If the later, I suggest more stax pieces, hell even "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Smokestack"}},{"insert":" can make an inclusion in the deck, or "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Tangle Wire"}},{"insert":" those are recurrable targets, but it makes everyone on the table just miserable, and start considering decisions based off what they want to tap or sacrifice.\n\nIf it is more for combat, you can play more cheaper artifact creatures that get by on damage, and have metalcraft in the text with stuff such as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Arcbound Ravager"}},{"insert":" or "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Etched Champion"}},{"insert":" \n"}]}
Chaos13 avatarChaos13 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"One of the main wincons I like for this deck is building an artifact wall of various effects then going wide or tall with goblins and sacing them for the majority of damage, I want to make that a more consistent theme. To be honest I need to just proxie it up and start play testing it to get any real results\n"}]}