Feature Request - See my decks a card is played in

o2x7 avataro2x7 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey team, love your site. One really nice feature would be able to click on a card and see what deck I have that it is played in. Sometimes i run into a scenario where I can't remember what deck i have a physical card in and rather than search through 20 deck boxes it would be great to search here!\n\nOf secondary importance would be to see what decks a card is in the maybe board for. That way if a card is too expensive, but later drops in price, I could see the decks I was considering it for earlier.\n\nThanks!\nTravis\n"}]}
Edited 1/18/2021, 7:41:35 PM
jophess avatarjophess 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"In a roundabout way this is already included with your Card Collection. If you add cards to your collection then on the Card Collection screen it will show an icon if that card is present in a deck. If you click the icon then it will even take you to view that deck. If your decklists are up to date, you can also speed things up by adding the whole deck at once with the \"+ Collection\" button in the lower left.\n"}]}
o2x7 avataro2x7 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yeah im familiar with the view on the my collection screen. Its just a clunky way to find it. I inevitably find myself outside my collection wondering how many of a card I own or what decks they are in. It would be nice to be able to see this information from any angle - when viewing a deck and inspecting a card, from my collection, or from the card details page\n"}]}
o2x7 avataro2x7 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"> if your decklists are up to date, you can also speed things up by adding the whole deck at once with the \"+ Collection\" button in the lower left.\n\nManaging a deck is simple. Managing 30+ and what cards are where and how many cards I own vs proxy, vs don't have enough copies of is more complex. Id like to see more features to support more of these collection management based scenarios\n"}]}