Am I crazy?

Gr4Ph3Ne avatarGr4Ph3Ne 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"\nTheme is meant to be tokens/ETB+death triggers/creature recursion.\n"}]}
VATTSmyname avatarVATTSmyname 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Gr4Ph3Ne,\n\nJust took a quick look at the deck; looks like a fun build however if I were to pilot it, I'd replace the Enchantment Auras for a few sac outlets to make it more consistent(plus you can combo out if you're into that kind of thing).\nPutting in a Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos will keep your opponents board under control.\nAlso I think Skullclamp would go a long way in this deck; netting you a ton of cards for the creatures you want to die anyways(and with a Dictate of Erebos on the board is just crazy strong)\nThose are just a few quick things I'd do to change it; note that these suggestions are just what I would do to suit my own playstyle.\n\nI hope that was of some help.\nCheers.\n\n\n"}]}