In collection view, add button to set deck's printings to collection's printings.

{"ops":[{"insert":"Title.\n\nHaving a \"different printing\" category simply annoys me since, well, I do own those cards, whatever printing they are. If I could just have some kind of \"set all to collection\" option to get rid of that category, I'd be glad.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I think this would be fixed best by defaulting to the printing you have in your collection in the first place. Doing it that way prevents having to go back and change it later, even if it would only be a button press. \n\nThough, that doesn't change things for existing decks, so I could definitely see the argument for both existing. Either way, I'll toss this in the backlog! Thanks for the suggestion!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Well, it is also linked to a bug.\n\n-If I try changing the printing to any other ones while in Collection view, the card goes from \"Other Printing\" to \"Not Owned\", loses the small corner band and forgets I ever owned it.\n-If I try removing and adding the card while in Collection view, there is no option to change which set it comes from, forcing me to go back to the last point.\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Image support."},{"insert":"\n\nEdit : And in the last picture, Sol Ring was still in my list despite it looking like I had none. Adding the sidebar one will add a second Sol Ring and make my list illegal (for obvious reasons).\n"}]}
Edited 8/27/2019, 10:38:28 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"i had this while uploading obtained cards yesterday. its a bit of a work around, BUT, heres what worked for me.\n\nclick on the offending \"other edition owned card\" -> change edition in the deck to the one that you *do* have -> save the changes -> reload your page.\n\nits annoying, BUT it worked for me \n"}]}