incorrect rarity in library

{"ops":[{"insert":"hey, \ni've noticed that some of the older sets (mostly Dominara) are flagging as the wrong rarity colourings. "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Academy Journeymage"}},{"insert":" is showing in the set icons as a rare, but its a common and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Baird, Steward of Argive"}},{"insert":" is showing as a rare but is an uncommon. these are just a couple that i have noticed.\n\nalso, is there a way to search your library by types/colours/rarity etc WITHIN the collection itself, or is this only available in the sidebar (where you cannot add tags, maybe add in the ability to add tags). also is there a way to search by the tags?\n\nthankyou\n"}]}
Edited 9/2/2019, 3:28:44 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"The rarity stuff, I'll have to look into cause I'm not sure off the top of my head what's going on there. \n\nAs for the searching, the intent is to use the search in the right panel to keep everything consistent between the deck builder and the collection stuff. However, there is currently no way to filter by tags within that search. In hindsight, this is a pretty large oversight (as like you said, you can't edit collection details there). I'll toss a ticket in our backlog to be able to do this. Seems like it'd be useful when tagging stuff. \n"}]}