Decks tab

austin009988 avataraustin009988 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"The only way to look at my decks at the moment is by clicking my name at the top right hand corner of the screen. At some point, I'll make enough decks on this site to need a page/tab dedicated just to organizing decks. Maybe create a folder system like google doc?\n\nBesides that, this is a great system. This is the best deckbuilder yet. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello!\n\nThere are other ways you can view your deck. You can see your most recent ones on the home page underneath the first row of decks that people recently created or saved. \n\nIn addition, by clicking on your username on the upper right. The decks will display and there's an option to View All which will bring a page to view all decks you ever created. \n\nHope this helps!\n"}]}