Changelog - Share-link Customization

andy avatarandy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"\nHello again,\n\nToday, we have a new feature that will help you customize how others see your deck when they open one of your links. \n\nFeature"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"transparent","bold":true},"insert":"Share-link customizations - "},{"attributes":{"background":"transparent"},"insert":"When you click the “Share” button on your deck banner, you can now specify sorting and stacking options for the link you generate. If you’ve designed your deck to be viewed a certain way (with multiple categories visible, for instance), this will help convey your intentions to other users. Anyone who follows a link with customized sort/stack settings will be presented with a dialogue box from which to immediately revert to their personal default settings, if they so choose. We’ve also added a toggle to include your deck name in the link."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\n\n"},{"insert":{"image":""}},{"insert":"\n\nThis feature comes courtesy of a suggestion from @Magical_Hacker on Twitter. We won’t promise that we can implement everything, but we’re always interested in hearing new ideas! If there’s a change you’d like to see made on Archidekt, please do not hesitate to reach out to us on our "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"development forum"},{"insert":" or "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"@archidekt"},{"insert":" on Twitter.\n\n\nUntil next time!\nAndy\n\n\n"}]}
Edited 12/5/2021, 8:38:59 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks again! It's awesome to see a site be so open to suggestions :D\n\n-@Magical_ _Hacker\n"}]}
fearphage avatarfearphage 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'd love to see you add the appropriate headers (OG tags) to allow the link to display the deck title, image, description, etc. when the ink is placed into Discord, Slack, etc.\n\nPS. If you're accepting outside contributors, I could add this in a matter of hours.\n"}]}
Edited 12/6/2021, 1:32:25 AM
{"ops":[{"insert":"(Developer here) So would we 😅!\n\nUnfortunately due to the way archidekt is built it's a much harder task than one would expect. The way the data comes down basically disallows meta data to appear on the page as it loads, the data for the page only comes down "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"after"},{"insert":" the initial page loads (archidekt is an SPA). The distinction to a human isn't really relevant, but to some bot that's parsing the page, it's a pretty large difference. Because of this, we haven't been able to implement this feature.\n\nHere's the good news. We're aware of the current implementation limitation (among some other limitations that this setup causes) and we're thinking of ways to rebuild pieces of archidekt to support this kind of behavior. This will be a fairly large process, and we don't really have a timeline yet; but once we do that rework of the deck page (eg: turn the deck builder into an SSR application) we'll have this functionality (among removing some of the other limitations that I alluded to above). \n\ntl;dr - this isn't possible with the way archidekt is currently built; and we're thinking of ways we can rewrite pieces of archidekt so that it becomes possible. \n"}]}
Hello_There1 avatarHello_There1 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"For some reason, when I am playtesting It never shows \"copy\" in the options, could you work on this please?\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Add images for Digital only cards please!\n"}]}