Advanced search in collection

kirbyshake avatarkirbyshake 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Just as we are able to filter our decks with scryfall syntax it would be really helpful to be able to do an advanced search in your collection without being in a deck. Espcially for me who likes to use the cards I have before buying new ones\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Unfortunately, a Scryfall syntax filter is not possible for the collection. It only works in the builder because of how relatively few cards there are in a deck. Attempting to do much more than that puts a major strain on the queries we send to Scryfall.\n\nMy best suggestion for doing advanced searches within your collection would be to use the search menu (even out of a deck) and setting the collection filter at the top to whichever collection you're trying to search within. Doing that allows you to use Archidekt's advanced search to search only for cards within your collection(s). Does this help at all? Is the fact that it's in the search menu rather than right on the collection page itself too clunky to be useful? \n\n(Please note that we're currently experiencing a bug where a search is executed as soon as you click on the collection filter dropdown rather than waiting for you to click on what collection you're filtering to. We'll have that fixed within the next week.)\n"}]}
tyfi avatartyfi 20 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Has this feature been added yet?\n\nAdvanced search, such as \"o:haste\", is important in Collections. Those of us with large collections need this feature to build decks by mechanic, color, mana cost, etc.\n\nIf queries like this put strain on Scryfall, then I would argue that these pieces of data need to be cached on the Archidekt side so that the query remains local.\n"}]}