Right-click > copy on a card image with two sides copies the back half of the card

{"ops":[{"insert":"<blockquote class=\"imgur-embed-pub\" lang=\"en\" data-id=\"a/ruiEAXK\" ><a href=\"//imgur.com/a/ruiEAXK\">Copying the image of a card with two sides always copies the back side</a></blockquote><script async src=\"//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n"},{"insert":{"video":"https://imgur.com/a/ruiEAXK"}},{"insert":"\n\nEdit: how do we embed videos from Imgur? Neither the embed script nor URL work. \n"}]}
Edited 6/5/2022, 8:40:58 AM
Jeremy avatarJeremy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"It's possible that the rich text library doesn't support videos from Imgur. To be honest, the only videos I've ever embedded here before have been YouTube links. We'll take a look, regardless.\n\nRegarding the actual bug report, good catch! That makes sense given the way our flip animations work, but shouldn't be a difficult fix. Thank you for the report!\n"}]}