Help videos don't work

Kaijin avatarKaijin 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm just trying to figure out the syntax in advanced search to search for multiple keywords, like \"when AND attack\". I noticed that none of the help videos work. I dug a little and got this error when trying to view an mp4:\n\n<Error>\n<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" id=\"dark-mode-custom-link\"/>\n<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" id=\"dark-mode-general-link\"/>\n<style lang=\"en\" type=\"text/css\" id=\"dark-mode-custom-style\"/>\n<style lang=\"en\" type=\"text/css\" id=\"dark-mode-native-style\"/>\n<style lang=\"en\" type=\"text/css\" id=\"dark-mode-native-sheet\"/>\n<Code>UserProjectAccountProblem</Code>\n<Message>The project to be billed is associated with a closed billing account.</Message>\n<Details>The billing account for the owning project is disabled in state closed</Details>\n</Error>\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Could you link me the page that you found those videos on? They "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"shouldn't"},{"insert":" be publicly anymore since they haven't been updated in about 4 years! We learned early on that we changed the site too frequently to be able to keep up on all of the videos being current. \n\nRegarding your question, the oracle text field in an Archidekt Search is very literal. As you've probably noticed, searching flying AND trample will yield cards that literally read \"flying and trample\" somewhere on them. This is a limitation of that particular search, but it's primarily intended as a starting point for new players or those looking to do relatively simple searches. \n\nIf you're getting into the weeds of searching for cards based on multiple different keywords or expressions in the oracle text, I'd strongly recommend using the Syntax Search tab on the search menu. Based on Scryfall's robust syntax system, you could do a search like the one you mention above by typing the following:\n\no:when o:attack"},{"attributes":{"blockquote":true},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nYou can also add in pretty much anything else you can imagine (such as card type, color identity, P/T, etc.) so long as you know the syntax for it. We link it on the Syntax Search tab, but this is "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Scryfall's guide"},{"insert":" for the system. I can't recommend it enough!\n"}]}
Kaijin avatarKaijin 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Googled \"archidekt help\", brought me here\n\n\nI understand the power of the syntax search but it's very inconvenient, especially on mobile. Every query I'd have to type in my color, sort, sort order preferences on top of the keywords or card types I'm looking for. Advanced search is much more convenient at maintaining those parameters while I change just the keywords. Frankly I end up using search functions on Manabox (on my phone even if I'm at my PC) because it's more convenient and powerful than any other tool I've come across. It does a great job of And vs Or and maintaining parameters without typing. \n"}]}