I can't make a deck

Runwolf avatarRunwolf 18 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello,\nSo I am new to this program and i might just be missing something but i have not been able to make a other deck. I was able to make a my first deck for commander and had a great time with i really enjoy this program. Then i will go to a make a new one and i would not start. It bring up the window insert name and what format, i click the create deck button and i would not change to the screen it would stay the same. is there a paywall or something? \n\nThanks,\nYour MTG player \n"}]}
Runwolf avatarRunwolf 18 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"It like its not a button.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Sorry you're having issues! There are no paid features on Archidekt so something is likely wrong. \n\nWhich new deck button are you clicking on? There are two primary ones on the site. There's one on the home page at the top, and there's one under the dropdown with your name on it in the upper right. \n\nIf I'm understanding you correctly, then you're able to get into the new deck form that allows you to set the deck name and format. If the Create Deck button isn't working from there, then my best guess is that you have a plugin in your browser turned on that's causing issues with the form.\n\nYou could try logging in in incognito and see if that fixes the issue (if it does it's likely a plugin). If that doesn't work, you could try clearing your cache (this one seems unlikely to me as I can't imagine this being a caching issue).\n\nWhat browser are you using? Maybe we can recreate it to figure out what's going on.\n"}]}