Suggestion: Cheapest Cost of Deck

{"ops":[{"insert":"This is probably a niche thing. My playgroup regularly plays with decks cheaper than $50 excluding basic lands. I can usually finagle my decklist to have the cheapest printing selected and go from there, but it would be cool if we could have an option to use the cheapest printing available price but also,*including* cards we already own. \n\nI know, this is like the 6th different way of displaying the cost of a deck, I understand if this is getting ridiculous! No worries if you can't!\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Sorry, for the late response-- not sure how I missed this a few days ago. While we are indeed trying not to overload the cost menu with too many total (especially because of how hard they can be to explain in only a few words), are you familiar with the print optimizer? By multi-selecting all of the cards in your deck, you can select \"cheapest\" from the Optimize Card Printings menu and quickly make sure all of the cards in your deck are as inexpensive as possible. Once you've done that, the second and third prices listed on your deck banner will show you your cheapest deck price with cards owned removed from the total. \n\nI'll include a gif showing how to optimize your prints. Hope this helps!\n\n"},{"insert":{"image":""}},{"insert":"\n"}]}