[New Page] Card Templates for Deck Insertion

dbvasconcelos avatardbvasconcelos 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Many users make use of some templates for deck building, may it be a mana base or ramping package, removal package, etc. Also , when doing so, some categories are associated to the cards within these templates, that most likely wont change between decks, for instance, a sol ring is always a ramp categorized card for me on every deck i build, yet i have to manually map it in every deck if i want to track the ramp spells i have on it.\n\nThe feature proposed here is a new page where you can build these templates, associating desired categories for the cards within, and making them importable by the deck building page, so the template cards are added to the deck (into maybeboard or directly to main categories on user choice) .\n\nThe main advantage is that the deck would inherit all those categories and since the cards are already mapped the user won´ t have the hassle to manually set them on each card, only for newly ones added to the deck after (and not imported by this very feature).\n\nThis has some relation with this requested feature (https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/4173294/1)\n"}]}
Edited 4/4/2023, 9:20:56 PM
Jeremy avatarJeremy 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi there! We have a thread in Feature Voting that I believe covers what you're looking for here:\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/3298390/1"},"insert":"https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/3298390/1"},{"insert":"\n\nThis is something we're definitely planning to do at some point, it just hasn't made its way to the top of the priority list yet. Regardless, we appreciate the suggestion!\n"}]}