New Ads?

Mrwatson2 avatarMrwatson2 12 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I noticed that recently the ads on this site have become a lot more aggressive, they pulse and take up a huge part of the screen and i cant click anything until they finishing pulsing it's really obnoxious. I know the site needs ads to maintain and improve but they are kind of over the top now and feel kind of predatory \n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 12 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm sorry for the poor experience! This definitely isn't intentional on our part. In theory, all of our ads should be confined to the space allotted to them. Most are banner ads that should take up a relatively narrow strip of a page but we run one video ad on most pages as well. None of those should be taking over you screen in anyway, but some have slipped past our ad provider in the past so I certainly don't doubt it. \n\nThe best way for us to get predatory ads removed to report them via the stylized N that appears to the bottom right of each ad. If the ad is doing something hyper aggressive like you've described, that N might not be visible, but reporting "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"any"},{"insert":" ad on that page once you have access to it and describing the predatory one will do the trick. Our provider should be able to use that information to track down and remove the offender. We do this ourselves whenever we come across an issue, but sometimes we're unable to get the same ads a user describes. So helping us out with the report button is incredibly appreciated. \n\nRegardless, I again apologize for the trouble! We're doing our best to track down and report issues like these because we certainly don't want them here any more than our users do. \n"}]}