Try to think of a way to build a certain deck

Demonicpithead avatarDemonicpithead 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Tryngt buld a necro burn deck. Necromancy for resurrecting and burn for quick damage\n"}]}
John_Sherwood avatarJohn_Sherwood 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"What format are you trying to build for?\n"}]}
Demonicpithead avatarDemonicpithead 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Im going standerd its for a friend im going to have him pick a couple of planes walkers to what kind of play style he wouldgo as well. To help him twik it to fit him. Im just trying to figure out a good balance for it and trying to see if anyone has already built one to see if it can work well. Smple because i have decks that dont work well but love there concepts\n"}]}