Deckbuilding Contest - June 2023

Jeremy avatarJeremy 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello brewers,"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nOne of the toughest parts about getting new players into Commander– or any Magic format for that matter– is the cost. Sure, you can point them to a $40 precon, but seeing multi-hundred dollar price tags on custom decks can be super intimidating. With that in mind, we’re brewing budget decks for this month’s Card Kingdom-sponsored deckbuilding contest! Details below.\n\nWhat’s the contest all about?"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Working within the parameters of the prompt provided below, construct a decklist with your own creative spin. Three chosen finalists will be awarded store credit to "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":". \n\n"},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"It’s budget month! For June’s deckbuilding contest, construct a Commander-legal deck that costs $100 (USD) or less using Card Kingdom pricing (basic lands not included). Playability and uniqueness will earn additional consideration!"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nNote: Prices can fluctuate over the course of a week, so we’ll afford decks a little bit of wiggle room on the $100 limit when selecting finalists. Just make sure it’s at that mark or lower when you submit!\n\nHere’s how to participate:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Brew an EDH/Commander legal deck on Archidekt that satisfies the prompt."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Any unreleased cards spoiled during the contest’s duration are allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Silver-bordered and acorn cards, while cool, are not allowed. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Digital-only cards (such as those designed for the Alchemy format on Arena) are not allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Strictly one deck submitted per user."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Reply to either this newspost or "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"the announcement tweet"},{"insert":" from the @archidekt account on Twitter with a link to your deck before "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"9:00 pm EDT (UTC -4, currently) on Friday, June 30"},{"insert":". Only one submission per user!"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"From the eligible submissions, we'll select three finalists with lists that we believe best embody the spirit of the prompt. "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Deck descriptions are not required but certainly may provide valuable context!"},{"insert":"\n\nOn "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Saturday, July 1, 2023"},{"insert":", we'll tweet out a poll for the community to vote on its favorite of the three selected finalists' lists. Any finalists who submitted their lists on Archidekt will be notified via the email associated with their account. We’ll also publish a newspost on Archidekt announcing the finalists and linking to the poll on Twitter. Each finalist will be awarded store credit to The value of the credit is in US dollars and depends on the finalist's placement in the community poll at the end of its two day duration:\n1st Place Prize - $50"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2nd Place Prize - $30"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"3rd Place Prize - $20"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Finalists will be contacted via Twitter or email (depending on where they submitted) regarding their winnings following the conclusion of the poll by "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Tuesday, July 4, 2023"},{"insert":". Please note, you must have a Card Kingdom account in order to receive your winnings. It's quick and free-- "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"register here"},{"insert":" if you don't have an account already!\n\nAn important note:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Unfortunately, due to wild variance in contest laws, eligibility is limited to residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec). We’d love to allow all of our users to participate, but ensuring we are legally compliant with each country’s national laws is too great a barrier. For additional information regarding eligibility, check our official contest rules. \n\nSomething newish:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"As you might have noticed, we added a new “"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Community Stuff"},{"insert":"” tab to the homepage. In addition to a variety of curated decks and stats, we display contest winners on this page until new ones are selected. If you haven’t already, check out May’s winners before they’re replaced in a week!\n\nThank you!"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here, reach out on "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Twitter"},{"insert":", or join "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"our public Discord server"},{"insert":". We look forward to seeing what you all come up with! \n\nThe Archidekt Team"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nEdit: We have our finalists! Assuming Twitter will open for you (it's been uhh... pretty rough lately), please consider stopping by "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"our poll"},{"insert":" to vote. Congratulations to KnightOfTheNorth, Pheresis and wade42! "},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 7/4/2023, 5:40:07 PM
da_luggi avatarda_luggi 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Throwing my "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ghalta, Primal Hunger"}},{"insert":" -Brew into the mix, because its pretty essy to navigste for new players. It‘s Casusl enough to not be overwhelming for small playgroups, can be pretty fast and also hits in the Mid- and Lategame. \n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I remember my favorite thing about commander when I started playing was the number of creatures you could use in a deck. So this Alesha, Who Smiles at Death deck is mostly creatures! ETB triggers galore so when you're grabbing things from your graveyard you get added benifits, all for less than $30! The problem is that this is probably a more casual deck since the only way I found to have solid interaction was to make people discard, which can be unfun for others in the pod.\n\nHere's the link:\n"}]}
Edited 6/29/2023, 8:57:09 PM
gbleavell avatargbleavell 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"If you've ever wondered what it would be like to smash your opponents' faces in for just under $42, then boy have I got some great news. Using the time-tested strategy of turning your cards sideways and trampling your opponents to death, you too could be a winner while also not selling your soul to buy a commander deck.\n\n\n\nThis deck is the textbook definition of mono-green Stompy. It was actually built with the new player in mind in both strategy and budget. . Goreclaw: Terror of Qal-Sisma has become cheaper with the recent reprintings, which makes her a very cheap commander to run. She also gives cost reduction to your bigger creatures AND gives them trample when they attack. In all likelihood, you will probably make the control player in your playgroup cry at least once. Enjoy!\n"}]}
LILbigSMALLS avatarLILbigSMALLS 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"i saw aeve and had an idea to do elves for big mana and cheap plays then play aeve for lotta ooze and for 91$(not counting basics) its pretty fun\n"}]}
weakgriff avatarweakgriff 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I had a lot of fun with this deck. Its a Voltron using Kosei, Pertinent Warlord. I like the gimmick of his ability and lets me use cards that I normally wouldn't. Like Colossification, Shape of the Wiitigo, tanuki transplanter, etc. \n\nOverall its a lot of fun and when you meet all the conditions it feels great drawing a ton of cards and doing crazy damage to everyone. People aren't even mad when you pull it off because of how epic it is. \n\nOn top of that it's a great deck to start off beginners because its easy to use and uses basic cards. Even if you know a little bit more about the game you can have cool interruptions and interactions.\n\nI had a lot of fun playing it and now my gf that is just starting to play MTG is using it to learn the ropes.\n\n \n"}]}
toxiklemon avatartoxiklemon 11 months
babcat1227 avatarbabcat1227 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Slimefoot Saproling Sacrifice\n"}]}
cazick avatarcazick 11 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\nWho doesn't love playing games while playing a game. Nothing better than a day visiting all the attractions at your favorite theme park.\n"}]}
dustbunny avatardustbunny 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"been playing "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nahiri, Forged in Fury"}},{"insert":" online for a bit and I adore how she feels! a virtual roulette strapped to an aggro deck that happens to be naturally resilient to creature removal, sign me up!!!\nequipment always tends to be cheap so she's unbelievably tempting for a paper build :)\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 6/30/2023, 4:01:10 AM
Afily avatarAfily 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Welp, this contest helped me find mono blue commander of my dreams. Auras, mill and target swap? Cut almost all counterspells, we don't need them. Let's gooooo :v\n\nI'm not legal contestant as... well... f**k EU, but it was fun to build and I want to share it. Mb somebody will provide some tips for changes.\n\n\n"}]}
Edited 6/30/2023, 6:31:04 AM
enbypotato avatarenbypotato 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"This deck is actually my spouse's brain-child, but we share so it is here on behalf of us both. At time of posting, this deck is worth only $46.22, but still has quite a bit of kick to it. I present for your viewing pleasure, Mono-Black Shenanigans, helmed by Tormond, the Desecrator and Keskit, the Flesh Skulptor- "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n"}]}
KodiakCox avatarKodiakCox 11 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Driving in Ma\"car\" • (Commander / EDH deck) • Archidekt"},{"insert":" \n\nThis is my quirky monoblack vehicles deck with King Macar, the gold cursed as my commander. It mostly revolves around tap and untapping King Macar to activate his ability in order to exile big threats and to create a bunch of gold. It is a budget deck coming out to around $90, including lands, and primarily focuses on being budget and having flavor with me constantly asking the question \"What would Midas do?\" when I couldn't decide between a card.\n"}]}
pinkslipknxt avatarpinkslipknxt 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Built "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Yarok ETB tribal "},{"insert":"for my play groups budget league which fits the theme. Panharmonicon (or Man O War) + peregrine drake + venser gets me infinite ETB triggers with infinite blue mana!\n\n\n"}]}
rspettigrew avatarrspettigrew 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I love the idea of dragon decks but they are all so expensive. I set out with the goal of making the most affordable dragon deck possible. As we all now most dragon cards cost a good amount of mana. With that in mind I chose Myriim as the commander so your mana goes twice as far. At a budget of just 27 dollars on Tcgplayer (65 on card kingdom) including lands it is cheaper than most precons and i think it is a pretty good dragon deck with a lot of potential to grow in a few different directions.\n"}]}
Cannelbrae avatarCannelbrae 11 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Snow Tribal"},{"insert":" is one of my favorite paper decks to play. Every card is either snow or snow-matters, which means you get to play some real jank that won't show up in any other deck, and that's one of my favorite things to do.\n\nAt time of submission, the total cost is $98.12 ($62.49 excluding basics, but that's because you need 27 snow basics that cost actual money). To get it down a lot further, you could cut "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ohran Frostfang"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Scrying Sheets"}},{"insert":", too.\n"}]}
Edited 6/30/2023, 6:12:44 PM