
medic002 avatarmedic002 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"hey,\n\nfirst of thank you for the great deck building site\n\nis it possible to select cards from the deck to print as proxies and go to a page with all the proxies laid out in correct order to print so I just have to select and press print\n\nthank you for your time have a great day\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"No there is not, best we can do is export a deck list for you and from there you can do what you want with it. This isn't something I see us supporting as we're not sure on the legal ramifications of doing so. Neither of us are lawyers, nor do we want to pay one to actually find out, but we're just not sure if it's actually legal to allow people to print copy write protected content. Because of this, we'd rather just steer clear of anything we're not 100% is okay for us to do. \n\nNothing agains proxies of course. We use them in our playgroup while testing a card, or waiting for a card from an online seller or something -- we just don't want to have to deal with the potential fallout (if there would be any) for allowing to print out proxies.\n"}]}
Wildcard avatarWildcard 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Could always provide a link to and pre-fill the input field. You wouldn't be providing any images or content and not held responsible for what they do especially since the user has to press the Build it button before they get something printable.\n"}]}