Deck Help

SlothKing998 avatarSlothKing998 8 months
puppy528 avatarpuppy528 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"By no means would I say make all of these changes (especially the pricier ones), but these are the suggestions I would consider for the deck.\n\nConsider adding:\nArchangel of Thune --Pricey, but awesome. Will be your favourite card of the deck (but at $35/each, it had better be!).\nSoul Warden --Way better in this deck than Soulmender, just all-around. Trust me.\nDawn of Hope --Gives you affordable card draw, and possibly extra creatures mid-game.\nVoice of the Blessed --Same as Ajani Pridemate, plus some other stuff. Great for this deck.\nHeliod, Sun-Crowned --Slightly Pricey, "},{"attributes":{"strike":true},"insert":"but don't forget;"},{"insert":" "},{"attributes":{"strike":true},"insert":"Lifelink instances stack "},{"insert":"E"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"dit: This info is vastly outdated and incorrect; much like me."},{"insert":"\nWell of Lost Dreams --Lots and lots of card draw. Probably either/or with Dawn of Hope. Wouldn't run 4x, tho.\nTwinBlade Paladin --Costs (3)W to play, but nice if you hit that double-strike range. Wouldn't run 4x of these, either.\n\nConsider cutting:\nAdamant Will --Doesn't do much for you, esp if you keep the Bodyguards. What are you saving, games in which you don't draw Pridemate?\nRevitalize --Surely you can find creatures that gain you life instead; giving you more bang for the buck.\nSoulmender --So slow.. Yes, he sets off your lifegain triggers, but one per turn is not going to win matches.\nLeonin Vanguard --Same problem as Soulmender; doesn't even *always* give you the lifegain trigger. Possibly the weakest card in the build.\n\nAlso remember; in a severe pinch (likely to pass out one more counter from life-gain triggers), you can \"destroy\" your own One Ring with Invoke the Divine, just to gain the 4 life. The One Ring will survive, but you'll still gain the life. Hope some of these help!\n"}]}
Edited 8/29/2023, 5:09:04 PM