Firesong and Sunspeaker take

NioTheDreamer avatarNioTheDreamer 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Deck link: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nplease read the description.\n\nBeen playing with this idea for a while and have taken it the spell slinger route, bouncing damage off my creatures/combo, and working in Monarch\n\njust trying to hit they point where the deck feels solid.\n Still play testing. It does seem to perform fine but that is mostly in a goldfish scenario and doesn’t give me a good sense for now a multiplayer match would go.\n\nI may have weird choices, just a hobby for me - just looking for ideas \n"}]}
John_Sherwood avatarJohn_Sherwood 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":{"card-link":"Lucky Clover"}},{"insert":" only works with Adventures, and your deck doesn't have any Adventure cards. Try "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Double Vision"}},{"insert":" instead. \n"}]}
NioTheDreamer avatarNioTheDreamer 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Well shoot\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 7 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"General thoughts:"},{"insert":"\nArcbond is a fun card to consider. It's good as a \"Of you're swinging big? Hope you don't mind an empty board\" when you target your blocker, or alternatively, YOU can swing for big and apply it to their blocker. More combat politics, but it kinda requires you to be on more life so has some risk to it. \nPhyrexian Vindicator might also be a decent add? It's another good source of damage redirection, and gets the additional benefit that it also applies the effects of whatever keywords it has on it to its damage (i.e if you equip it with lifelink the damage it deals gains you life)\nWhile it may somewhat go against the theme by preventing damage, it's a solid card with the added benefit of being in the spirit of the deck.\nAnother good add, with the release of Eldraine, is Imodane the Pyrohammer. Giver her things like indestructible, and you can hit all players at once with your lightning helixs or lightning bolts, instead of just one player or the other. And if you wanna really spice it up, alongside Imodane, if you add something like a global damage doubler/tripler, or a \"deals that much damage +1\" effect, it'll get you double the value out of it. i.e 4 damage to Imodane becomes 5 damage to all of your opponents. This obviously also still works with whatever keywords you apply to her.\n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Card Advantage:"},{"insert":"\nCard advantage is definitely the tough part though. Have you considered some wheels? Something like a Vindictive Flamestoker has saved me a couple times when I was in a pinch, or the Invasion of Kaldheim, which is also conveniently an added burn source. Otherwise, you always have similar effects to Unexpected Windfall, such as Thrill of Possibility, Cathartic Pyre, and Big Score just to name a few. \n\nThat's about the best I can think of though!\n"}]}
NioTheDreamer avatarNioTheDreamer 7 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Arcbond is a great suggestion. I wish it did the damage but it seems like I should be able to combo it to turn as single star get spell into another board wipe or just catch someone off gaurd\n"}]}