Budget Standard Decks

JKade713 avatarJKade713 4 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"So I am a high school student on a budget and I prefer Commander and Draft but I would like to play Standard at my local LGS competitively and was wondering if the community had any tips for building a good Standard deck that would go for about $25-30\n"}]}
whirlpool avatarwhirlpool 4 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"If you like commander, just stick with it. Standard will rotate and there goes your money. I'm in 9th grade so I assume your'e older and have more money, but I still think it's smart to stick with commander. Cards will retain their value for the most part and any deck goes in a casual playgroup.  \n"}]}
Edited 5/26/2020, 1:59:26 AM