Help wanted: Klothys EDH

kiypar.alpha avatarkiypar.alpha 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello, I need some help cutting 56 cards in this EDH deck.\nIt's not meant to be competitive, but it is meant to be the fun police somewhat by constantly removing permanents and boardwiping.\nTheres also the win conditions of using a bunch of damage doublers (and the new damage tripler) in conjunction with Stuffy Doll, the new Brash Taunter, Coalhauler Swine, and damage-dealing boardwipes to wipe out everyone.\nI want to keep the manabase of Deserts. I know they're bad, but I like having them so I can sac them for Klothys to ramp off of.\nAny suggestions to cut?\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n"}]}