Valid Deck Filter Options

milesteg198 avatarmilesteg198 4 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello,\n\nAt one point I recall being able to insert valid Scryfall syntax into the “Deck Filter” field within one of my particular decks. \n\nExample: t:artifact\nFilter result: all cards in my deck that were type artifact\n\nNow I only get “invalid / no results”. Has this changed recently?\n\nThanks, love using the deck builder and love being able to tag up my decks quickly so I can analyze synergies and other themes in my decks.\n\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"We only support syntax queries for decks less than 200 cards. \n\nThe change was made because the filter would often either crash/ take an extreme amount of time to return for decks that large. \n\nWe implemented name searching instead, which while is obviously not as powerful as the syntax search, it won't crash seemingly at random.\n\nIf you're seeing behavior where it's not working for decks with less than 200 unique cards, we can dig into that.\n"}]}
Edited 12/4/2023, 7:59:46 PM
milesteg198 avatarmilesteg198 4 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks Michael, that is exactly it and why it felt like sometimes it was and wasn’t working as expected. Would be great if the error code gave that 200 card limit, but know what it’s like running a small dev team. Thanks again!\n"}]}