Isochron Scepter

trainman74 avatartrainman74 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":" If you have already played isochron scepter with an instant imprinted on it, can you copy isochron scepter and imprint a different instant onto the copy?\n"}]}
Derbyshire avatarDerbyshire 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"It depends on how you are copying it. If the copy enter the battlefield as a copy of "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Isochron Scepter"}},{"insert":", ex: "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Phyrexian Metamorph"}},{"insert":", you get another trigger of the imprint ability. On the other hand if you copy it with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mirage Mirror"}},{"insert":", where the copy is already on the battlefield, you do not get the trigger, and have no exiled spell to cast a copy of.\n\nI hope that helped!\n"}]}
trainman74 avatartrainman74 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"yes it did. thank you.\n"}]}
[deleted] avatar[deleted] 3 years