Bug: Categories not being removed when no cards exist in them.

{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/decks/189178"},"insert":"https://archidekt.com/decks/189178"},{"insert":"\n\nIn the above decklist I once had a category called \"EDH\". It is a wish list, and at some point I ran out of wants or needs for that category and just simply removed the cards from the category.\n\nNow that I wish to add another card to the category I am unable. I get the message: \""},{"attributes":{"background":"#e8e8e8","color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)","bold":true},"insert":"There is already a category with this name."},{"insert":"\"\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://i.imgur.com/v0GSVxV.png"},"insert":"https://i.imgur.com/v0GSVxV.png"},{"insert":"\n\nAt first I thought it was because I didn't scroll down, but nope.\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://i.imgur.com/bj8G3rK.png"},"insert":"https://i.imgur.com/bj8G3rK.png"},{"insert":"\n\nI can sort of cheese my way out of it by searching a card that doesn't exist in any category, selecting the blue > more option, change the category to EDH, and then selecting \"Add Card\" to the EDH category, allowing me to fiddle with what's in the category afterwords. So long as I don't remove every card from it. Then I moved the cards I wanted there to the category and then removed the card I didn't care about. \n\nThis is repeatable, as I have saved, left Archidekt, and came back being able to repeat the issue. The issue persists through a copied version of the decklist. You can recreate this by:\n\n1: Making a new deck.\n2: Adding 2 different cards to it.\n3: Put one of the cards in a category named \"Test\".\n4: Drag the card out, or simply remove it from the deck.\n5: Attempt to rename the category the remaining card is to \"Test\".\n\nI initially thought this might be represented in the \"Edit Deck\" text option, but empty categories are not present there. \n"}]}
Edited 7/31/2020, 9:09:56 PM
Hemalurgist avatarHemalurgist 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm seeing this as well, through today. I think it may have started with having multiple categories for one card.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"When it happens my current work-around is to select edit, find the card in the text format, and remove the excess category that is in the brackets: [Lands, EDH] for instance could just erase \" , EDH\" and save. That also fixes it. \n\nThe \"Empty\" categories are actually there, unlike I said in my post originally. I just misunderstood what I was reading. \n"}]}
Edited 8/15/2020, 2:52:28 PM