A fun Niv Miz?

Luke4009 avatarLuke4009 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":{"card-link":"Niv-Mizzet, Parun"}},{"insert":" \nDoes anyone know a fun way to build this that doesn't end up in an infinite combo, but actually can have a chance against other decks? \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"You could run a turbo burn version of this deck that can use cards like lightning bolt and char without being punished due to Niv making everything you cast a cantrip. Running a decent bit of ramp would allow you to chain several burn spells together without being an infinite combo (provided you don't cheese infinite mana.) The substantial burn damage would allow you to remove threats and deal face damage at a rate that's competitive without being overbearing. A big plus to the fun factor is that EDH burn is rather niche so the off the wall strategy is bound to amuse them.\n"}]}
Summoneer235 avatarSummoneer235 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Maybe Cycling? That seems like it would be really bad, but maybe it could work\n"}]}