Option to save from Sandbox mode missing

Hans0lo avatarHans0lo 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I used to be able to import a decklist trough EDHREC, tinker with it, and then save it. However, the save option is no longer there. Instead of it saying;\n\""},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Welcome to the Sandbox"},{"insert":"\nYou have full use of the deck editor! However, as long as you remain in sandbox mode, you will be unable to save your changes.\nTo save this as a new deck, "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Click Here"},{"insert":".\"\nIt just says;\n\""},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Welcome to the Sandbox"},{"insert":"\nYou have full use of the deck editor! However, as long as you remain in sandbox mode, you will be unable to save your changes..\"\n\nThis problem is both on my PC and on my phone, so I figured it might have been some setting I changed, but I can't find what I've done. Please, help.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"uhh, not sure how that happened, but I’ll fix it the next time I’m at my computer. Thanks for the heads up!\n\nIn the meantime, if you ctrl (or cmd on a mac) + a, then ctrl + shift + c, you can paste the deck list into the import modal on new deck pages. That way you can export the sandbox data and import it into any deck you want.\n\nEither way, I’ll still put it back to the way it was. This change happened unintentionally. \n"}]}