Save card stack organization to server

{"ops":[{"insert":"Allow the user to make the card stack location save to the server rather than the browser cache so that others can view the deck or card package the way that the user intended!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"There's a few reasons why I don't think we'd ever do that. (Not without totally rethinking the manual stacking stuff).\n\nThe largest reason is that the stack layout will largely depend on screen size. Lands on the right might make sense on desktop, but once you're on a smaller screen size, and the total number of columns change, the whole layout needs to completely change with it.\n\nBeyond that, saving that data is kinda messy; and the fact that it'd need to be done at the per deck level makes it even moreso.\n\nIf you want you can acheive a similar result by alphetizing or numbering your custom categories. It's kinda clunky, but doing this would allow them to be forced into a layout that can be reordered \n\nGood news is, we are chatting about completely rethinking controlled stacks to bring it more to the forefront of the user experiance. And if we end up doing so, we can rethinking how it works, and I'll try to think of a way to save it without breaking anything else. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Michael, thanks for the reply and for the tip on alphabetizing/numbering categories. I figured you had a good reason for doing things in that way. My main motivation here is that I like to build large card packages of staple cards that are easy to scan through and select for other decks. These deck brewing tools get way less functional when the categories get scrambled\n"}]}