Hide cards not interested in

sIeepy avatarsIeepy 55 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"Essentially add a way to mark cards in scryfall search and the edhrecs as not interested in for whatever reason. I keep running into the same x amount of cards when brewing for decks I don't want to add, especially when upgrading precons\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 54 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"I certainly sympathize with being shown something like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Beast Within"}},{"insert":" for the 500th time even though you have no intention of ever playing it!\n\nThat said, we're definitely not interested in ever developing a way to hide individual cards from search. While it might provide a nice short term fix, it'd be too easy for users to forget about what cards they've hidden and then be confused when a search in the future doesn't show the card(s). Beyond the difficulty of implementing something like this, it's just a philosophically poor user experience that we don't want to promote. \n\nI apologize for the disappointing response but appreciate you reaching out with the suggestion! \n"}]}
sIeepy avatarsIeepy 54 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"That makes perfect sense, and I appreciate the thoughtful response!\n"}]}