Cardmarket prices not updated recently - API issue?

kzig avatarkzig 49 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"Dear Archidekt staff, \n\nI have noticed that on Archidekt the Cardmarket price of Violent Outburst is currently listed as €4.99, but since it was banned in Modern last week the price on Cardmarket has dropped to less than half that level:\n\n\n\nWhen did Archidekt last successfully pull prices from the Cardmarket API, and which price measure was used please? It would be useful to know the age of the prices that are shown on Archidekt.\n"}]}
Edited 3/19/2024, 2:27:00 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be updating, but I'll run it manually today and we'll see where we end up. \n"}]}
kzig avatarkzig 49 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks! If you don't mind me asking - out of the various prices currently shown on the Cardmarket page I linked for Violent Outburst, which one should we expect to see on Archidekt after a successful update? \n"}]}