Naya Help

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello. I decided to try my hand at "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Samut, Voice of Dissent"}},{"insert":", I wanted to make a deck that did not care about mana costs because it would make a crapload of mana or cheat the costs, and then win through combat. I wanted to play some cards that I never play instead of the usual suspects. But I have no idea what to cut now lol any help is appreciated.\n\n,_Voice_of_Dissent:_Naya_Smash\n\n"}]}
battlesong72 avatarbattlesong72 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'll try my hand. First, I'd drop world breaker; I understand how good it is, but I don't think it synergizes with your deck well. I see a lot of ways to cheat creatures into play and flicker creatures, but "},{"insert":{"card-link":"World Breaker"}},{"insert":" triggers on cast, which doesn't fit your theme, not to mention you're only running 35 land, so I don't think you're going to want to sac too many of them. Also, a hard cut, but I would suggest dropping the "},{"insert":{"card-link":"True Conviction"}},{"insert":"; 3 W pips and 6 overall mana is just a bit much I think. This almost seems like a \"win more\" card. I think at 6 you're really either going to want more creatures down, or you're behind and you'll need one of your answers. Another suggestion, I don't think "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Etali, Primal Storm"}},{"insert":" is a good fit here as I don't think you're set up to take advantage of him; I do think this deck is crying out for an "},{"insert":{"card-link":"End-Raze Forerunners"}},{"insert":" and/or "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Overwhelming Stampede"}},{"insert":". I hope I was able to help.\n"}]}
Edited 9/4/2020, 1:29:16 PM