New layout: text view category sorting

JVlPb6Z2 avatarJVlPb6Z2 26 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"In text view with two columns, it used to put the first half of my categories in the first column, and the rest in the second. Now it alternates between the columns, e.g. the first category in the first column, second category in the second column, third category in the first column, etc. Now categories with similar names are no longer shown together. If I have \"Artifacts\" and \"Artifacts: mana rocks\" they will be in different columns. I really preferred the way it was.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I understand prefering the old stacking system. \n\nUnfortunately, it had a lot of issues that needed to be addressed. \n\nBasically the previous system required an algorithm to keep the stack balanced, and in doing so, it slowed down responsivness on the page, and it forced stacks to move when the weighting of the stacks changed. Beyond that, because the old algorithm was so complex, it prevented us from adding extra features such as alternate image sizes on the deck page. \n\nIf you want to mimic the old layout, you can do so manually with controlled stacks. \n"}]}