Kenrith Political Control

chwatts avatarchwatts 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I need help cutting cards. I'm going for like a political pillow fort kind of build. I have a lot of great, flavorful cards, but now I need to cut some out. Also, this is my first five color deck, and I'm not very confidant in my mana-base. If anyone has recommendations about that I am open to it.\n\n\n"}]}
whirlpool avatarwhirlpool 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Are more shocks and fetches (lands) within you budget? \n"}]}
chwatts avatarchwatts 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Depends how the new Zendikar fetches affect the market. Generally I try to stay budget.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"As for lands, I highly recommend "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Path of Ancestry"}},{"insert":". Yes it comes in tapped, but it taps for all 5 colors and will ATLEAST let you scry once or twice on top of that. And it's actually kind of flavorful as well XD I think you could go down on a few basics, but make sure you have more forests than anything, as you want to be able to cast your ramp spells more than anything else. Also not a fan of the "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Prairie Stream"}},{"insert":" lands. Definitely consider the Commander legends lands in those spots, once those drop. \n\n\n"}]}