Feature request: sorting by card category in advanced search options

dctjr avatardctjr 36 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"When looking for cards that I am not familiar with, it would be so cool to be able to search by removal, ramp, anthem, etc. I'm not sure how complicated this would be to integrate, but I would use this feature on a regular basis.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"You can already do this using syntax search. \n\nfunction:ramp \n\nYou can read up more on that "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://scryfall.com/docs/tagger-tags"},"insert":"here"},{"insert":" \n"}]}
dctjr avatardctjr 34 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"Oh thanks! the lack of UI always scared me away from syntax search. I've been playing around with it, and its super useful. Thanks!\n"}]}