Cheapest card version available

ColinF avatarColinF 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"It would be nice if there was a feature to revert all cards in a deck to the cheapest available versions. Sometimes while manually adding a deck in from scratch I'll click wildly and pick a random card version that is dumb expensive. Then the total price is not really reflective of the deck as a whole. Also it's weird when my basic lands start costing a few bucks. They are essentially free. \n\nAfter reverting everything to cheapest version, I can go in and fine tune if I really want to show off some sort of blinged version. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yes, please add to the account page a 'Default version sort' option that lets you choose 'Cheapest', 'Most Expensive', 'Newest', 'Scryfall Default', etc (It would be great to have a secondary toggle for 'Include foreign cards' that lets you specify your preferred language)\n\nI hate it when I am brewing and I do a search and the results include random JP cards with alt art (thanks Mystical Archive (and Godzilla, but at least there you have Power and Toughness to help a lot) for making life harder...).\n\nMy preference would be able to say 'I want a NON-Foil, 8th+ Edition frame, standard art version' but I understand that is a little specific of an ask and would be happy with just having english non-promo newest printing (which would probably include things like the Timespiral remastered old frame timeshifted cards that I would prefer not to see but close enough) I feel like Scryfall already does a GREAT job of finding that version of the card, it would be nice to use the Scryfall Default version for this (For example if I search for Demonic Tutor on Scryfall it gives me the UMA version, which is more money than the DvD version and older than the Judge Promo, JP Mystical Archive, or Box Topper versions, and both older and more expensive than the normal Mystical Archive version... but exactly the version I would prefer to see). I *THINK* Scryfall is using the EDHRec rank to determine default version, but it should be part of the API\n\nIn a partially related request can we please get the ability to turn OFF foil even for cards that don't have a non-foil version? I find the foil overlay distracting and unnecessary and would like to be able to turn it off without switching to a digital version of the card (Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice for example is either the C18 foil or the MTGO Treasure Chest edition).\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Adding to this thread to say that I REALLY want this. I like to build fairly budget. Currently my workflow is to add cards one at a time, manually sorting the results by price. Would love to be able to bulk add cards and then convert to cheapest versions. \n\nThough I have found that cards won't have a listed price even though there is definitely price data for that printing\n"}]}
Mysnomer avatarMysnomer 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Just another upvoting this. I have recently joined a budget league and archidekt is the organizer's price check of choice. It's a huge pain in the ass hunting down every card I know is 0.10 but has been bumped up to 0.50 or more because Archidekt doesn't include this basic feature. You would think it should default to cheapest because if I want a cool art, I already know what special sets those come from. However, I can only compare prices within this system by clicking back and forth on the versions, and you move whatever I've clicked to the top of the list. Incredibly annoying and unintuitive.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have wished this before to it would be great\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"We've recently implemented some hidden parameters that "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"should"},{"insert":" usually get you the most \"basic\" recent printing of a card by default when you do a search. This is the vast majority of the time the cheapest version of a card. If this hasn't been your experience, would you mind providing an example of a card that seems to be showing up as a more expensive version? Thank you!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":{"card-link":"God-Eternal Kefnet"}},{"insert":" started as the comic-con which is +$50 instead of the $3 war of the spark one.\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Good catch, I'll look into that one.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thank you! Did you see my other post about lands and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Everflowing Chalice"}},{"insert":"?\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Noted, thank you!\n"}]}
jobroskie avatarjobroskie 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"The one that I think is applying to everyone's deck is the commander collection black sol ring which won't release for more than 3 months but is TECHNICALLY the most recently announced version of sol ring. \n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Noted, thank you! \n"}]}
madmazda86 avatarmadmazda86 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Actually I would love to be able to just turn off the default adding of promos and alt art when deck-building from scratch, it makes generating a deck list to put into cardmarket really timeconsuming - for example I just searched Opt which is showing the SMA Japanese alternate art as the default so you can't actually spot it in the search list XD Similarly the basic lands have all defaulted to full art! I'd much rather make the decision myself to 'bling up' a deck's cards rather than having to reverse all the bling every time.\n"}]}
TunsAXP avatarTunsAXP 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yes i would love to see the convert to cheapest button because its pain staking to go and do it for each individual card \n"}]}
patrowdy avatarpatrowdy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Just added Impact Tremors to a deck and it defaulted to the $10 promo version instead of the $3 DTK printing. This is the biggest accessibility issue I've found on archidekt and makes me consider switching. It takes way more inputs (repetitive strain injury) to get an accurate look at my deck's cost, and that's the first thing I look at when deciding if a card goes in or not. You can't choose the printing from the sidebar, so you have to add to deck, navigate to the card window and then look through the printings to even see if there's a cheaper printing, and there often is. It's also just frustrating for all budget builders! Please consider adding some more parameters to the search function. Thanks for your hard work and the awesome site <3\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"How after 4 years is this still not implemented..\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"It's been out for a while. Ctrl-A to multi-select your entire deck (long press each category on mobile to do the same), then from the multi-select modal, select \"Optimize printings\" from the three dot icon. From this menu, you can optimize your printings based on price, release, fanciness, etc. \n\n"},{"insert":{"image":""}},{"insert":"\n\n"},{"insert":{"image":""}},{"insert":"\n"}]}