Deckbuilding Contest - July 2022

Jeremy avatarJeremy 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"\nHello brewers,"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nFor this month’s "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Card Kingdom"},{"insert":"-sponsored deckbuilding contest, we’re imposing a different kind of restriction: The rarity of cards in your deck must reflect the rarity distribution of a regular draft booster pack. If that sounds suspiciously like "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"math"},{"insert":" to you, don’t fret! We’ve got the details worked out below:\n\nWhat’s the contest all about?"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Working within the parameters of the prompt provided below, construct a decklist with your own creative spin. Three chosen finalists will be awarded store credit to "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":". \n\n"},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"For July’s deckbuilding contest, brew a Commander/EDH legal deck using the rarity distribution of a draft booster pack. This means your deck should include 8 rares/mythics, 21 uncommons, and 71 commons. For the purposes of this contest, a card’s rarity is determined by the one assigned by the printing you choose."},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nA few notes:"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Since the 14 non-basic cards in a draft booster doesn’t divide evenly into the 100 cards in a commander deck, we’ve done some rounding to the benefit of rares/mythics."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"You can easily tell how many of each rarity are in your deck by selecting “Rarity” from the “Stack By” dropdown at the top of your deck page (see the gif below). Your Commander will not be sorted this way, so you’ll need to remember to add that to the appropriate rarity. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Basic lands count as commons despite having their own slots in draft booster packs. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Your Commander(s), as part of the 100 cards in a deck, count toward the rarity restrictions."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Since Companions are not included in the 100 of a deck (technically existing in the Sideboard), they do not count toward these rarity restrictions. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Printings with the “Special” rarity (i.e. timeshifted cards from Time Spiral and Time Spiral Remastered) should be avoided for simplicity’s sake. If you want to play one of these cards, use one of its other printings. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Printings in your deck should either be all paper or all MTGO for the purposes of rarity. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\n"},{"insert":{"image":""}},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nHere’s how to participate:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Brew an EDH/Commander legal deck on Archidekt that satisfies the prompt.\nAny unreleased cards spoiled during the contest’s duration are allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Silver-bordered, while cool, are not allowed. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Digital-only cards (such as those designed for the Alchemy format on Arena) are not allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Strictly one deck submitted per user."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nReply to either this newspost or "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"the announcement tweet"},{"insert":" from the "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"@archidekt"},{"insert":" account on Twitter with a link to your deck before 9:00pm ET (UTC -4, currently) on "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Friday, July 29, 2022"},{"insert":". Only one submission per user!\n\nFrom the eligible submissions, we'll select three finalists with lists that we believe best embody the spirit of the prompt. Additional characteristics by which your deck may be judged include playability and uniqueness (i.e. “spice”); budget has no direct bearing on your chances to win. Deck descriptions are not required but certainly may provide valuable context!\n\nOn "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Saturday, July 30, 2022"},{"insert":", we'll tweet out a poll for the community to vote on its favorite of the three selected finalists' lists. Any finalists who submitted their lists on Archidekt will be notified via the email associated with their account. We’ll also publish a newspost on Archidekt announcing the finalists and linking to the poll on Twitter. Each finalist will be awarded store credit to The value of the credit is in US dollars and depends on the finalist's placement in the community poll at the end of its two day duration:\n1st Place Prize - $50"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2nd Place Prize - $30"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"3rd Place Prize - $20"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Finalists will be contacted via Twitter or email (depending on where they submitted) regarding their winnings following the conclusion of the poll by "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Tuesday, August 2, 2022"},{"insert":". Please note, you must have a Card Kingdom account in order to receive your winnings. It's quick and free-- "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"register here"},{"insert":" if you don't have an account already!\n\nAn important note:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Unfortunately, due to wild variance in contest laws, eligibility is limited to residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec). We’d love to allow all of our users to participate, but ensuring we are legally compliant with each country’s national laws is too great a barrier. For additional information regarding eligibility, check our "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"official contest rules"},{"insert":". \n\nCongratulations to June’s winners! "},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"1st Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"DankCastle"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Soul Nourishing Citizen Tribal"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2nd Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"MityEDH"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":"[Reanimate_Brew_Comp]"},"insert":"Mystic Intellect Reanimator"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"3rd Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"xerogold"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Ghave the Enchanter"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nThank you!"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here or reach, on Twitter, or in our "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"public Discord server"},{"insert":". We look forward to seeing what you all come up with! \n\nThe Archidekt Team\n\n"}]}
Edited 7/22/2022, 9:09:27 PM
wade42 avatarwade42 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I submit for your review a"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":" Slimefoot Saproling Infect"},{"insert":" deck.\n\nThe goal of this deck is to create 10 saprolings, equip "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Slimefoot, the Stowaway"}},{"insert":" with an infect source, then sacrifice the saprolings to have Slimefoot deal 10 infect to all opponents at once.\n\nBackup plans:\nSuit up "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Syr Konrad, the Grim"}},{"insert":" instead of Slimefoot to deal the infect."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Make a bunch of saprolings, then have "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ochran Assassin"}},{"insert":" swing to clear the way."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":{"card-link":"Poison-Tip Archer"}},{"insert":" plus a wipe can close out a game when the board is big enough."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nThere's a lot of ramp, because Slimefoot is a relevant mana sink... plus, if your opponents are wise to your game plan, you might need to recast Slimefoot a few times.\n\nTen Saprolings is a lot... So apart from the obvious (see Token Generation category), "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Life and Limb"}},{"insert":" makes all your Forests into Saprolings... paired with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Golgari Germination"}},{"insert":" , each forest is worth 2 Saprolings once you light the fuse and start sacrificing.\n"}]}
Edited 7/28/2022, 2:13:16 PM
FunkyFox avatarFunkyFox 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Welcome to"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":" "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":{"card-link":"Killian, Ink Duelist"}},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":" - Enchantment Voltron"},{"insert":" "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\nA list under $50 TCG (minus basic lands) and no individual cards over $5. Similar to a booster pack, this deck plays plenty of cards that typically don't see play mixed with a handful of powerful rares and uncommons that you're more than exited to pull. Even with these restrictions, the deck still plays extremely smooth and may be one of my favorite builds to date. If you’re looking for more information on deck construction or how it plays, please check out the deck description. Thanks for your consideration! \n"}]}
Edited 7/28/2022, 2:15:56 AM
{"ops":[{"insert":"After recently building a similar deck without the contest restriction, I noticed it would be pretty easy to fit with the theme, so here is:\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Mazzy Does the Aura-lectric Slide"},{"insert":" \n\nThis is a deck revolving around "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mazzy, Truesword Paladin"}},{"insert":"'s second ability to exile auras that go to the graveyard and cast them later on. However, instead of your usual aura deck which focuses on positive effects for your own creatures, this deck's focus is on controlling the board through "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Darksteel Mutation"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Lignify"}},{"insert":"-style cards. The deck runs many ways to sacrifice your own auras such as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Lunarch Mantle"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Gatherer of Graces"}},{"insert":" so that you can move your Lignify effects around to keep up with the most threatening pieces on the board. \n\nIt also includes many spicy auras which, in many other decks might be quite useless for their one time effects, but in Mazzy become an unstoppable engine of control and value. "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mortal Obstinacy"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Flamespeaker's Will"}},{"insert":", and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Fire Whip"}},{"insert":" all sacrifice themselves to deal with problematic permanents, while "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Unbridled Growth"}},{"insert":" allows you to draw a card for a single green while fixing your mana.\n\nMultiple aura-cost-reducing effects like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Jukai Naturalist"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Transcendent Envoy"}},{"insert":" keep the costs of our enchantments down while "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Sanctum Weaver"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Wild Growth"}},{"insert":" style cards ramp the deck though enchantment-focused methods. "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mesa Enchantress"}},{"insert":" and similar cards refill our hand to keep the fun going on and on.\n\nAnd if you feel like being merciful today, I suppose you could end the game (but honestly who does that anyways?). The deck runs a few strong pump effects that you might expect in a typical aura shell such as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ancestral Mask"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ethereal Armor"}},{"insert":", but a few more niche ones as well, such as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Briar Shield"}},{"insert":" which works particularly well with both of Mazzy's effects. \n\nFinally, if your not looking to finish the game through combat, the deck includes a combo based around the commander as well. To explain: Step 1 - Play "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nature's Chosen"}},{"insert":" on Mazzy, with a "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Wild Growth"}},{"insert":" -ed land on the field and a "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Thaumatog"}},{"insert":". Step 2 - Untap Mazzy with Chosen's first ability, then tap her to untap Growth land. Step 3 - Sacrifice Chosen to Thaumatog, exiling it with Mazzy, and replaying it with the land mana and netting one additional mana. Step 4 - Repeat for infinite mana. Step 5 - Play and sacrifice "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Fire Whip"}},{"insert":" infinitely to ping down your opponents.\n"}]}
iszachd avatariszachd 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"'S_PERSISTENT_WHIPLASH\n\nHey all! I'm back and taking a spin on a personal deck of mine. I'll be using "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Alaundo the Seer"}},{"insert":"'s ability to fire off a ton of spells from exile and to draw all the cards. HOWEVER, unlike most suspend decks that go for big stompy bois, I devised that this commander would be excellent at firing off none other than "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Persistent Petitioners"}},{"insert":"! So this is a tap/untap mill! This deck, while still under the knife for modification, is SO much fun once you get the ball rolling. The list is packed full instants, sorceries, and creature that untap Alaundo so you can keep using his ability over and over, not to mention all the enchantments like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Psychic Corrosion"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Sphinx's Tutelage"}},{"insert":" to keep up the mill while I draw cards. Hope y'all enjoy! Best of luck!\n"}]}
Edited 7/28/2022, 6:09:01 AM
Tristan2016 avatarTristan2016 22 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":"'s_Rarity_Jumble_-_July_22_Deckbuilding_Contest"},"insert":"'s_Rarity_Jumble_-_July_22_Deckbuilding_Contest"},{"insert":"\n\nFor this month's deck build challenge, I decided to build with partners in order to make Dimir Artifacts, using "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Armix, Filigree Thrasher"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"The Prismatic Piper"}},{"insert":" (giving the deck blue, without taking up an uncommon card slot another partner would have taken. We finally found a use for him!) This deck focuses on sacrificing artifacts for value, turning Armix's ability more deadly as the game goes on and allowing for an alternate wincon through "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mirrodin Besieged"}},{"insert":".\n(Cards have been tagged on their rarity, as well as using the specific printing)\n"}]}
Edited 7/28/2022, 3:14:29 PM
Snake2423 avatarSnake2423 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"\nI give it a shot with this! \n"},{"attributes":{"background":"rgba(243, 243, 243, 0.95)"},"insert":"Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker"},{"insert":" so when a creature with power 1 or less is put into my graveyard from the battlefield, I may return that card to the battlefield at the beginning of the next end step. So when I sacrifice a Shadowborn Apostle to search for a Demon I get my Shadowborn Apostles back so I can do it again so when it comes back around to my turn I win with Liliana's Contract!\n And to fill any gaps run some Changelings! Some sacrifice to draw as well as some when a creature dies my opponents pay for it with life!\n"}]}
Edited 7/28/2022, 3:43:45 PM
BloodLaw1 avatarBloodLaw1 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":{"card-link":"Child of Alara"}},{"insert":"’o_lands-_Child_of_Alara \n\nA deck with 55 lands, trying to heavily ramp and pull off a win via maze’s end.\n"}]}
Western avatarWestern 22 months
RatboyUltra avatarRatboyUltra 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"For your consideration"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":" "},{"attributes":{"bold":true,"link":""},"insert":"Fynnuel Jackson: Snakes on a Plane"},{"insert":"\n\nThis deck wants to put snakes on planes and win with poison counters.\n \nA perfect setup looks like this:\nTurn 1: Play land, play 1 drop deathtoucher\nTurn 2: Play land, Play Fynn\nTurn 3: Play an artifact that grants flying\nRest\nof game: Keep Fynn around, Play deathtouchers, make 'em fly, profit.\n \nThe low mana cost of this deck paired with greens ability to ramp makes this a real threat. Fynn will be removed often, but he is easy to pay for over and over. \nMwonvuli Beast Tracker lets you tutor a deathtoucher, and to end the game you’ll want the absolute brutal win-con of Hornet Queen. With her four flying death touch hornet tokens, and Fynn on the battlefield, she can lay down lethal poison each turn.\nAs for defense, deathtouchers are a great deterrent from combat damage, but you’ll often find yourself tapped out with a target on your head as you try to deal as many poison counters as fast as possible .A healthy helping of fog is a welcome weather condition as we fly these snakes to win town. Dolmen Gate does wonders to keep your snakes swinging.\n If you want to win with this deck you have to find the rhythm. If you spread out the poison too much, you'll be outpaced. On the other hand: you might go after a single player and get an early kill, but then the remaining two players will know what a threat you are and take you out. When played correctly however  this deck this deck goes from small annoyance to game over in the blink of an eye.\n"}]}
Edited 7/28/2022, 8:04:19 PM
Remarkable avatarRemarkable 22 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"background":"#bbbbbb"},"insert":"Lae'Zel the"},{"insert":" "},{"attributes":{"background":"#0066cc"},"insert":"Clan Crafter"},{"insert":" - Module Designer"},{"attributes":{"header":1},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"'z_Keep_Up_the_Energy!"},"insert":"'z_Keep_Up_the_Energy!"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nLae'zel was born a warrior, but has always been an artificer at heart. She wants to PUMP YOU UP with her Energy contraptions! \n\nIn this deck, she wants to leverage ETB Energy triggers along with +1/+1 counters in order for big payoffs. \nTry to assemble her "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Animation Module"}},{"insert":" , "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Decoction Module"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Fabrication Module"}},{"insert":" contraption for massive value!\nYour mages can help find these pieces, or simply use good old "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Fabricate"}},{"insert":" to find the piece you're missing.\n\nMaintain your board with blink spells, protection spells, and expendable artifacts until you can bounce everything with your "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Aethersquall Ancient"}},{"insert":" to send everyone back to the stone ages, or until you can set up an evasive "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Electrostatic Pummeler"}},{"insert":" to knock someone out in a flash! \n"}]}
Edited 7/28/2022, 9:14:57 PM
evolution1988 avatarevolution1988 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Riku and the Seven Dwarves - "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nFor the July contest, I give to you a Seven Dwarves deck. Riku makes copies of Seven Dwarves with support of various cards like Twinning Staff, Adrix and Nev, Harmonic Prodigy, and others. Brudiclad also assists by really ramping our Seven Dwarf factory and giving our tokens haste. With a powered up board of dwarves, we win through combat with cards like Overcome and Rite of Replication. We've also got combo potential with Deadeye Navigator and Peregrine Drake for infinite mana, and we can use all that mana to make a board full of infinite dwarves as well, as Riku's trigger occurs when they ETB. And if we're lucky enough to ALSO have brudiclad on the board... well, don't forget about Brudiclad giving those tokens haste. \n\nWe managed to fit in some old-school tutors to help us hit these cards more consistently as well. Did you know Sylvan and Mystic tutor have low rarity printings? I didn't. Did you know Rhystic Study has a common printing? I completely forgot. \n\nThe deck is fairly low to the ground with an average CMC of 2.5. This is in part due to using a lot of cantrips to churn through our deck early game and give us easy copy triggers once Riku is out. The deck also ramps quite nicely, especially when Riku is out so we can get to a kicked, copied Rite of Replication or play Deadeye/Peregrine Drake out of hand on the same turn. \n\nBuilding a 3 color commander with the constraints of this month's challenge was difficult, and I had to work a little to look at alternate printings of cards to fit this all together. Ultimately we made it work and had fun with the puzzle. I even had an excuse to run a pet card like High Tide since there are more basic islands than I'd normally run. \n\n"}]}
Edited 7/29/2022, 6:45:40 AM
ensfyb avatarensfyb 22 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Child of Alara - Maze's End: "},{"insert":"\n\nI started with the idea of trying to take advantage of an engine or card type that focuses on commons, and so that landed me on the gate subtype lands! I knew that while many of the best tutors in EDH are rare or uncommon, that there were several tutors that specifically looked for gates or lands that were common ("},{"insert":{"card-link":"Journey of Discovery"}},{"insert":" , "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Expedition Map"}},{"insert":" , "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Reap and Sow"}},{"insert":" ). \n\nRecent sets have really upped the power level of the gates, and soon the deck turned into a land-utility deck. Of course the rare spots were precious, and so I wanted to focus on maximizing the lands in the deck. This obviously starts with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Maze's End"}},{"insert":" as the main win condition of the deck, with many ways to find the land, as well as other utility or powerful lands like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Baldur's Gate"}},{"insert":" , "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Urza's Saga"}},{"insert":" , and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Phyrexian Tower"}},{"insert":", which works especially nicely with the commander of this 5 color deck, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Child of Alara"}},{"insert":" . \n\nIt really sucks that these powerful gates come into play tapped, but luckily that Urza's Saga (as well as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Trinket Mage"}},{"insert":" ) help to find "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Amulet of Vigor"}},{"insert":" , which also helps to power out the bounce lands from Ravnica ("},{"insert":{"card-link":"Azorius Chancery"}},{"insert":" , etc). \n\nThe deck is filled out with a bunch of common and uncommon ways to exploit all of these lands, and to get around some of their inherent disadvantages of coming into play tapped or bouncing lands. Playing extra lands seemed the best way to do both, and while most of the best ways are rare and had to be excluded (except for my pet card, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Oracle of Mul Daya"}},{"insert":" ), there were still ways around this like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Summer Bloom"}},{"insert":" , "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Explore"}},{"insert":" , "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Walking Atlas"}},{"insert":" , and more. \n\nI think this is a powerful and unique spin on a very interesting building challenge which really made me squeeze out the value of different rares and uncommons. Thanks for the challenge!\n"}]}
ThreeChandras avatarThreeChandras 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"\n\nGargos, Vicious Watcher with an enchantment subtheme\n"}]}
Imhariel avatarImhariel 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"\n\nkinda spik-ish Raggadragga elves list that has some combo potential for infinite mana and kills via elves beats or createrhoof.\nwe arre playing a bunch of common elves and some neat common to uncommon interaction.\nMost of our rare slots are used by cards that draw cards and some really powerfull lands.\n\n"}]}
yes_chef avataryes_chef 22 months
{"ops":[{"insert":",_Drafts_Cheap_Bikes\n\nThe goal of the deck is to slowly out-value your opponent by playing a more control/midrange style focusing on getting "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Zur the Enchanter"}},{"insert":" to ride directly across the battlefield. You go grab "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Astral Slide"}},{"insert":" and you're off to the races. You have multiple ways to win with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Teferi's Ageless Insight"}},{"insert":"* speeding up all of the below plans: You can stack Zur so he's riding on the most dangerous bike you've ever seen "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ethereal Armor"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Steel of the Godhead"}},{"insert":" , "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Phyresis"}},{"insert":".. . You can also try and go nuts and cycle your deck with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"New Perspectives"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Psychosis Crawler"}},{"insert":". \n\n*I know you can't grab this with Zur (:\n"}]}
Edited 7/29/2022, 6:33:44 PM